Magnaflux ZL-2C Post-Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant 25Lt Pail
Magnaflux Zyglo ZL-2C is a medium sensitivity penetrant (Level 2), ZL-2C fluorescent post-emulsifiable penetrant is designed to be removed from the part surface by emulsifiers or solvent. Supplied in a 25lt drum.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 38249996
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
Descarga hoy mismo la hoja técnica (TDS) del producto Magnaflux ZL-2C Post-Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant 25Lt Pail y la hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) del producto Magnaflux ZL-2C Post-Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant 25Lt Pail desde Silmid. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión o te hayas registrado, la hoja de datos será visible para su descarga. Conéctese para acceder a las hojas de datosInformación del producto
A medium sensitivity penetrant (Level 2), ZL-2C fluorescent post-emulsifiable penetrant is designed to be removed from the part surface by emulsifiers or solvent. With a UV-A light source, indications will appear as a bright green-yellow fluorescence. ZL-2C has a high flash point, and is designed to be used in open dip tanks.
- Bright indications
- Minimal background fluorescence
- High flash point
Shipping information
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