Naftoseal MC-216M Class B-2 Low-Adhesion Sealant 100ml Techkit
Naftoseal MC-216M Class B is a two component, manganese-dioxide cured polysulfide polymer system where easy separation of joined surfaces is required e.g. access doors. The B-2 denotes that this product has a 2 hour application time and the "M" denotes that this is a modified version of the old Naftoseal MC-216 Class B, which has since been removed from sale due to REACH regulations.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen Germany

Data Sheets
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It has outstanding resistance to aviation gasoline and jet fuel, as well as resistance to the chemicals and petroleum products used in the aircraft industry.
Naftoseal MC-216M Class B remains flexible and keeps a low bond strength on most metal substrates like aluminium, stainless steel, steel, titanium, composite, and many coatings under extremes of temperature, weathering, and stress.
The mixed compound is a thixotropic paste easily applied by extrusion, injection gun, spatula, or brush and it has excellent tooling properties.
The curing time may be reduced considerably by increasing the temperature (up to 60 °C / 140 °F max). The cured Naftoseal MC-216M B has low adhesion and forms a tough gasket, rubbery enough to mold itself to surface irregularities.
Surface Preparation:
Clean surfaces with appropriate cleaners (e.g. Chemetall's Ardrox products like Ardrox 5529 or Ardrox 5575) to remove dirt, grease, and processing oils just prior to sealant application. Use lint-free rags or paper towels that are free of oil. Always pour cleaner on the cloth to avoid contamination of the cleaner supply. Clean one small area at a time, quickly wiping it dry before the cleaner's solvent evaporates to prevent redeposition of oil, wax, or other contaminants.
Shipping information
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