PPG PR2050 B-1/2 Rapid Curing Compound 4.5oz Semkit
PPG PR2050 Class B is a fast-curing compound specifically formulated for aerodynamic smoothing and gap-filling purposes.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1133 CL3
- Código del producto 32149000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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It is a versatile compound that offers a service temperature range from -54°C (-65°F ) to +121°C to +250°F and intermittent exposure capabilities up to +204°C (+400°F). It demonstrates minimal shrinkage and achieves sandable hardness within one hour at temperatures of +25°C (+77°F) or higher.
Upon curing, PPG PR2050 Class B retains its flexibility, effectively reducing the risk of cracking often associated with more brittle sealing compounds. This compound is a two-part, epoxy-cured Permapol P-3.1 polythioether formulation. The cured product maintains its integrity even after limited exposure to jet fuel and aviation gas and shows resistance to diphosphate ester-based hydraulic fluids. Additionally, PR2050 Class B exhibits outstanding adhesion to a wide range of properly prepared aircraft surfaces.
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