Loctite 575 Acrylic Sealant 250ml Bottle
Loctite 575 is a Acrylic Sealant developed for sealing pipe connections with relatively coarse threads and flanges which allows instant start up of fluid systems. Supplied in a 250ml bottle.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 35061000
- País de Origen Ireland

Data Sheets
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Loctite 575 is a low strength, slow cure, low odour pipe sealing product especially developed for sealing pipe connections with relatively coarse threads and flanges. It allows instant start up of fluid systems when threads are tightened as specified. Typical uses include gas piping systems, central heating systems, sprinkler systems, fire systems, hydraulic systems and pneumatic systems.
- No run-off due to thixotropic nature
- Prevents leaks due to vibration loosening connections
- Teflon™ filler provides lubrication during assembly and excellent chemical resistance after curin
- Provides an instant seal, even at sub-zero temperatures when pipe connections are wrenched tight
- Low odour
Shipping information
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