3M AC-350 B-4 Aerospace Sealant 4.5oz Kit
3M AC-350 Class B-4 Aerospace Sealant is a fast cure, intermediate density polysulfide sealant suitable for fuel tank and fuselage applications.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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This two-component, manganese dioxide cured sealant is solvent free and has outstanding resistance to aviation gasoline and jet fuel, as well as resistance to chemicals and petroleum products common to the aircraft industry. It maintains flexibility and bond strength on most metal substrates such as; aluminium, titanium, steel, stainless steel, glass, and many coatings under extremes of temperature, weathering and stress. The mixed compound is a thixotropic paste easily applied by extrusion, injection gun or spatula, and exhibits superb tooling properties.
- Sealing integral fuel tanks
- Repairing integral fuel tanks
- Sealing fuselages
Shipping information
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