PPG PR1440 A-1/2 Aircraft Integral Fuel Tank Sealant
PPG PR1440 Class A is an aircraft-integral, two-part fuel tank sealant. Designed for the brush sealing of fasteners in fuel tanks and other aircraft fuselage sealing applications, the cured sealant maintains elastomeric properties after exposure to both jet fuel and aviation gas.
Data Sheets
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This product is a manganese dioxide cured polysulphide compound and the uncured material is suitable for application by brush in thickness up to 25 mils.
It has a service temperature range of -54°C (-65°F) to 121°C (250°F), with intermittent excursions up to 135°C (275°F). It cures at room temperature to form a resilient sealant having excellent adhesion to common aircraft substrates.
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