Loctite SI 5940 Black RTV Silicone Gasket Sealant 310ml Cartridge
Loctite SI 5940 is a black, 1-part, room temperature vulcanizing acetoxy silicone paste sealant. Supplied is a 310ml cartridge.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen Belgium

Data Sheets
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Loctite SI 5940 is a black, 1-part, room temperature vulcanizing acetoxy silicone paste sealant. It is primarily used as a general-purpose sealing and bonding agent, space-filling rubber adhesive or formed-in-place gasket. It adheres to clean metal, glass, most non-oily woods, silicone resin, vulcanized silicone rubber, ceramic, natural and synthetic fibre and many painted and plastic surfaces.
- Excellent resistance to ageing, shrinkage, cracking and discolouring
- Solvent-free
- Cures on exposure to moisture in the air to form a tough, flexible, waterproof, oil-resistant silicone rubber bond
- Typically used in applications with an operating range of -50°C to +200°C and can intermittently reach temperatures up to +220°C
Shipping information
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