Loctite 5922 Gasket Sealant 60ml Tube
Loctite 5922 is a black, viscous paste with a characteristic alcohol odour.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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Loctite MR 5922 is a black, viscous, solvent-based, slow drying, flexible setting paste that changes to a pliable, non-hardening film through solvent evaporation. It is based on resin, isopropanol and fillers. It seals flanges, fittings, connections and flexible assemblies against leakage. It increases the reliability of gasket seals and it can be used for the repair of damaged pre-cut gaskets.
- Extends gasket life
- Prevents leaks
- Slow drying
- Flexible setting
- Specifically designed to improve the sealing performance of pre-formed gaskets made of cork, metal, plastic, rubber, etc. in non-rigid assemblies
- Increases the reliability of gasket seals
- Cure: solvent evaporation
Shipping information
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