Loctite SI 598 Black RTV Silicone Gasket Sealant 300ml Cartridge
LOCTITE® SI 598™ cures on exposure to moisture in the air toform a tough, flexible, silicone rubber gasket.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen Italy

Data Sheets
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This product resists aging, weathering and thermal cycling without hardening, shrinking or cracking. Typical applications include oil pans, transmission pans, valve covers, valves and guides, timing gear covers, and differential covers. This product is typically used in applications with an operating range of -54 °C to 260 °C
- No mixing require
- Enhances load bearing & shock absorbing characteristics of the bond area
- Excellent resistance to automotive engine oils
- Gasket replacement
- Gasket dressing
Shipping information
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