Duralac Green Anti Corrosive Jointing Compound
Duralac Green is a chromate-free jointing compound designed to inhibit electrolytic decomposition between dissimilar metals. Following the discontinuation of the old Duralac Yellow, this product is also the recommended replacement here.
Data Sheets
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This single pack, air setting product, when used correctly, prevents anodic decomposition.
- Excellent adhesion properties to most substrates
- Low solubility in water and will not erode with time
- Very low water absorption
- Duralac Green is supplied ready for use and must not be thinned. It is best applied by brush.
- When Duralac Green is applied to metal or other surfaces the volatile solvent evaporates and the compound sets to the touch, but remains tacky for a considerable period
It is important that the joint should be closed while Duralac Green is still tacky - to ensure that it will flow sufficiently under pressure to close the gaps in the joint. It will harden somewhat if a thin film is left exposed to the atmosphere for a long period and this will prevent the making of a close joint.
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