Cho-Bond 2165 Electrically Conductive Sealant 1Lb Kit *HMS16-1261
CHO-BOND 2165 is a stabilised copper-filled, two-component polyurethane conductive sealant specifically designed for aerospace and military applications.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1866 CL3
- Código del producto 74061000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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CHO-BOND 2165 is a stabilised-copper-filled, two-component polyurethane conductive sealant specifically designed for aerospace and military applications.
CHO-BOND 2165 provides a conductive, corrosion-resistant protective compound for aluminium and composite airframes used in conjunction with Parker Chomerics CHO-SHIELD 2000 series EMI coatings. CHO-BOND 2165 is a good compound choice for EMI shielding and electrical grounding applications.
This thick conductive paste may be used as fastener fill, gap fill, or repair compound for aircraft. CHO-BOND 2165 achieves full properties in less than 4 hours with a combination room temperature cure plus a 113°C cure minimizing aircraft downtime.
Due to material shrinkage, multiple applications may be necessary. CHO-BOND 2165 is designed to be used with CHO-SHIELD 1091 Primer, which is sold separately.
This product is chromate-free, offering environmental friendliness.
Shipping information
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