DOWSIL™ Q4-2817 Red Fluorosilicone Sealant 5.4oz Cartridge
Dowsil Q4-2817 Fluorosilicone Sealant is a one part, ready to use, high strength solventless fluorosilicone elastomer paste.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1759 CL8
- Código del producto 39100000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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The product is developed for use on equipment exposed to solvents, oil and fuels. It can protect surfaces exposed to fuel from erosion and corrosion. Applications include bonding or sealing of components exposed for long periods to moisture vibration, shock, fuel and solvents. It is also an excellent material for sealing aircraft fuel tanks.
- High strength retains its properties under exposure to fuels, oils and solvents
- Excellent adhesion and bond strength to most materials
- Resistant to weathering, moisture and ozone
- Flexible from -55°C to +260°C
- Easy to use
- One part room temperature cure
- Cures at room temperature to form a tough, rubbery solid
Shipping information
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