Flamemaster Chem Seal CS3100 Sealing Compound 1USQ Kit *MIL-PRF-8516G Type II Class II Category A Amendment 1
Chem Seal CS3100 is a two‐part polysulfide sealant that cures at room temperature to a firm, flexible rubber.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1993 CL3 / 3082 CL9
- Código del producto 35069190
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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CS3100 cures by a chemical reaction that is independent of solvent evaporation or exposure to air. To assure proper mixing of CS3100 the two components are contrasting colours. The product is pourable and self‐leveling allowing a complete seal around wires, terminals and irregular configurations providing complete electrical insulation. It is resistant to high humidity and known aviation fuels, and can be used for potting and sealing electrical connectors and components for protection from moisture, fuels, dirt and other contaminants.
Shipping information
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