PPG PR2201 B-1 Non-Chromated Corrosion Inhibitive Sealant 2.5Floz Semkit
PPG PR2201 Class B is an electrically conductive, rapid cure, corrosion-inhibitive sealant. It has an effective service temperature that ranges between -55°C (-67°F) to +121°C (+250°F), which continues to function at intermittent excursions up to +182°C (+360°F).
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9
- Código del producto 32149000
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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It is a two-part compound filled with nickel, cured with epoxy, and made of Permapol P-3.1 polythioether. The uncured substance is a paste that can be applied with an extrusion gun or spatula due to its low sag and thixotropy.
The cured sealant provides excellent conductivity and EMI/RFI shielding effectiveness. This material is an effective barrier against the common causes of corrosion on aluminium alloys or between dissimilar metals. The cured sealant is resistant to jet fuel and aviation gas exposure.
If properly primed with PPG PR187 Adhesion Promoter (sold separately), this sealant shows excellent adhesion to common substances found in aircraft.
Shipping information
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