Cortec VpCI-126 Blue Corrosion Inhibiting Film 6mil x 6.1Mt x 30.5Mt Roll
VpCI-126 Blue is a high-technology, vapour phase corrosion inhibiting film that provides continuous protection against salt, excessive humidity, condensation, moisture, aggressive industrial atmospheres, and dissimilar metal corrosion.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 39201025
- Pays d'origine Croatia
Data Sheets
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Informations produits
Replacing conventional rust preventatives, such as oils and desiccants, VpCl packaging eliminates the need for degreasing or coating removal, saving time and financial costs. It is free from phosphates, halogen-based materials and free amines, and is recyclable and non-toxic.
VpCI-126 is effective for aluminium, galvanised steel, carbon steel, silicon steel, stainless steel, copper, brass and cast iron.
Shipping information
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