Crystic 199 Polyester Resin 25Kg Drum
Crystic 199 is an isophthalic unsaturated polyester resin. It is recommended for use in high performance applications
Technical Information
- Code UN 1866 CL3
- Code des marchandises 35069190
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Crystic 199 is an isophthalic unsaturated polyester resin. It is recommended for use in high performance applications, such as the aircraft industry, where superior thermal and electrical properties are required.
Fully cured laminates made with Crystic 199 have excellent chemical and heat resistance. They can withstand long periods (1 year) at temperatures up to 150°C, and shorter periods at temperatures up to 200°C, with no serious loss of properties.
A preaccelerated version, Crystic 199PA, has the same geltime as given in table 2 but with no added accelerator.
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