Arrow C504 Wypit Hand Cleansing Wipes 60 Wipe Tub
Arrow C504 Wypit Hand Cleansing Wipes are highly effective wipes that tackle tough hand soilings. Specifically formulated to remove stubborn oil, grease, and dirt from hands, they are perfect for situations where washing facilities are unavailable. These wipes require no rinsing, providing a convenient solution for maintaining clean hands on the go.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 34029090
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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The wipes are versatile and suitable for industrial and commercial settings, including outdoor environments or areas without water or washing facilities. They effectively remove challenging soilings, such as oil and grease. With a pleasant lime fragrance, these wipes feature a dual-action design with a smooth and rough side.
Shipping information
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