Arrow C226 DC3 Drain Clear 1Lt Bottle
Arrow DC3 Drain Clear is a concentrated liquid solution that effectively unclogs pipes and drains by breaking down hair, paper, and organic build-up, ensuring smooth and unobstructed flow.
Technical Information
- Code UN 1814 CL8
- Code des marchandises 34029090
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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This non-perfumed drain cleaner swiftly eliminates hair, soap scum, fats, paper, organic debris, and slime within minutes. The product is formulated with Potassium Hydroxide, meaning it remains heat-free during usage. Furthermore, it is highly cost-effective due to the product's ability to be diluted with water. It is ideal for use in colleges, schools, hairdressers, hotels, institutions, leisure and sports centres, offices, and with local authorities.
Shipping information
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