Socomore Hyso 97/1 Industrial Degreasing Compound 20Lt Drum
Hyso 97/1 is a solvent preparation made from components excluding benzole products, trichlorethylene or perchlorethylene
Technical Information
- Code UN 1993 CL3
- Code des marchandises 38140090
- Pays d'origine France

Data Sheets
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HYSO 97/1 is a solvent preparation made from components excluding benzole products, trichlorethylene or perchlorethylene.
This degreaser offers the advantages of chlorinated or aromatic solvents without the inconvenience ( odour, toxicity) : non-aggressive on materials and quick evaporation. The flash point is stable in time and remains constant throughout the evaporation period.
- Very pure compound, free of chlorine and therefore suited to the cleaning of fragile materials, metals (magnesium, titanium, high resistance steel), painted substrates and composites (epoxy carbon, polyester-glass).
- Degreasing of electrical material, control boxes, engines, dynamos, windings, alternators, electromechanical and electronical pieces, machine tools. Non aggressive on paints and varnishes.
- In bath, by spraying or by hand with a rag or a brush, HYSO 97/1 can be used pure and cold.
Specifications Approvals:
- SAFRAN PR-1500
Shipping information
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