Ardrox 1823 Liquid Additive For Aircraft Toilets 25Lt Pail (Meets AMS1476A)
ARDROX 1823 is a dark blue, easy-to-use and safe liquid that offers long-lasting and safe performance in recirculatory and static toilets.
Technical Information
- Code UN 1760 CL8
- Code des marchandises 34029090
- Pays d'origine France

Data Sheets
Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit Ardrox 1823 Liquid Additive For Aircraft Toilets 25Lt Pail (Meets AMS1476A) ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit Ardrox 1823 Liquid Additive For Aircraft Toilets 25Lt Pail (Meets AMS1476A) depuis Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), la fiche technique sera visible et téléchargeable. Veuillez vous connecter afin d’avoir accès aux fiches techniquesInformations produits
ARDROX 1823 is a dark blue, easy-to-use and safe liquid that offers long-lasting and safe performance in recirculatory and static toilets. ARDROX 1823 gives a fresh and agreeable fragrance. ARDROX 1823 prevents deposits in toilet systems.
ARDROX 1823 conforms to the requirements for non-corrosivity of metals and compatibility with non- metallic materials of AMS 1476A.
Method of Use:
In all cases the toilet should be charged following the established procedures of the particular OEMs and airlines. As a general guide ARDROX 1823 is used at an initial dilution of 1% v/v (10 ml/litre) with the toilet water tank being charged to at least 25% of its total capacity with the prepared solution. ARDROX 1823 can also be used for bus toilets, where 200ml of ARDROX 1823 are required per 100 litre toilet volume.
Chemicals Required:
Ardrox 1823
Technical Information:
- Appearance: Dark blue liquid.
- Density: 0.99 g/ml
- Flash Point: Non-flammable
Shipping information
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