Socomore Wadis 24 Corrosion Preventative Compound
WADIS 24 displaces water and humidity giving to the treated surfaces a water-repellency by adding a thin translucent, soft film with good anti-corrosive properties. This product is free from boron, silicone and barium.
Data Sheets
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Its dielectric features are excellent, and it can be used without any hazard on all switch gears and control gears, including high tension. WADIS 24 is also a releasing and lubricating agent.
This product possesses a great affinity for metallic surfaces, superior to those of water. Owing to an extremely weak surface tension combined with a very strong capillary attraction, it acts by very quickly substituting itself for water, penetrating and infiltrating into the slightest porosities and fissures and form a monomolecular tight, insulating and protective film.
WADIS 24 does not attack paints, plastic and rubbers. The translucent, soft, thin film of the product allows inspection of parts without requiring its previous removal.
This product can be used in water proofing and anti-corrosive treatment in aeronautical maintenance, of the cell, engines and equipment particularly affected by atmospheric conditions.
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