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De €45.13

Zip-Chem Cor-Ban 27L is a non-drying, corrosion inhibiting compound. It yields a smooth, non-drying, even film that boasts excellent corrosion resistance.

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Zip-Chem Cor-Ban 27L Corrosion Inhibiting Compound

Silmid P/N: VAR0000960
De €45.13 (hors TVA) €54.16 (TVA comprise)
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Zip-Chem Cor-Ban 27L is a non-drying, corrosion inhibiting compound. It yields a smooth, non-drying, even film that boasts excellent corrosion resistance.

Data Sheets

Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit Zip-Chem Cor-Ban 27L Corrosion Inhibiting Compound ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit Zip-Chem Cor-Ban 27L Corrosion Inhibiting Compound sur Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), sélectionnez la taille du produit qui vous intéresse et la fiche technique sera disponible en téléchargement.

Informations produits

This product features non-toxicity and a low odour; it contains no chromates, asbestos, MoS2, graphite, or heavy metals. It consists of a thixotropic, buff coloured film and works on any metal surface. It maintains a flexible protective coating that will withstand high ultra violet exposure in highly corrosive environments, and exhibits an extremely smooth and uniform paste like consistency without any lumps or grit.

Shipping information

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