Daubert Nox-Rust 1100 Corrosion Preventative Oil 5USG Pail
Daubert Nox-Rust 1100 Corrosion Preventative Oil is a volatile corrosion inhibitive lubricating oil for use in the preservation of ferrous metal parts in enclosed systems.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 38119000
- Pays d'origine United States
Data Sheets
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Having combined the protective properties of a preservative oil with those of volatile corrosion inhibitors, Daubert Nox-Rust 1100 Corrosion Preventative Oilmakes possible long-term protection against rust within what are termed closed systems or voids.
Daubert Nox-Rust 1100 Corrosion Preventative Oil Combines the protective properties of a preservative oil with those of volatile corrosion inhibitors. Works well in the preservation of closed systems where the volatile components will provide protection above the oil level. It provides an effective contact preservative oil film.
Typical uses include: fuel tanks, storage tanks, cylinders, transmissions, metal containers, gear housings, clutch compartments, crankcases, hydraulic and coolant circulating systems.
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