Royco 581 Corrosion Preventative Compound 55USG Drum *MIL-C-6529C Type I
Royco 581 Corrosion Preventative Compound is a concentrated oil for preventing rust and corrosion, frequently employed to protect aircraft reciprocating and turbine engines.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 27101999
- Pays d'origine United States
Data Sheets
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This product is commonly employed as a concentrated engine oil additive for internal engine or engine part preservation, whether stored outdoors for moderate periods or indoors for extended durations. It can also serve as a 'fly-away' oil for reciprocating engines, with the caveat that engines preserved with the diluted form should only operate for up to fifty hours before requiring an oil change. Additionally, this additive has demonstrated effectiveness in maintaining industrial gasoline and diesel-fueled engines and protecting industrial gearboxes and machine tools.
Shipping information
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