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AkzoNobel AeroFine 8110 was a waterborne, low VOC, one component Primer/Sanding Surfacer for materials typically used in cabin constructions. This product has been made obsolete by AkzoNobel, with them recommending either the FR4-45 or the FR-P1K as alternatives, alongside the FR-PREPRIME acrylic putty.

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AkzoNobel AeroFine 8110 Sanding Surfacer

Silmid P/N: P014053

AkzoNobel AeroFine 8110 was a waterborne, low VOC, one component Primer/Sanding Surfacer for materials typically used in cabin constructions. This product has been made obsolete by AkzoNobel, with them recommending either the FR4-45 or the FR-P1K as alternatives, alongside the FR-PREPRIME acrylic putty.

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