Total Lab Isopropyl Alcohol 2.5Lt Bottle
Isopropyl alcohol (often referred to as isopropanol, IPA or propan2ol) is an organic compound used in manufacturing and cleaning applications.
Technical Information
- Code UN 1219 CL3
- Code des marchandises 29051200
- Pays d'origine Germany
Data Sheets
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Isopropyl alcohol is a clear, colorless, alcohol solvent similar to ethanol, n-butanol and methanol. It is a major component of rubbing alcohol as well as regular household items such as cleaners, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers. It can also be found in pharmaceuticals.
Features and Applications:
- Capable of being mixed with water
- Dissolves a wide range of organic compounds that other solvents can't dissolve
- Evaporates quickly
- Perfect for cleaning electronic screens and other hard surfaces
- Can be used as a disinfectant to kill germs and harmful bacteria
Shipping information
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