PPG PR1432-GP Corrosion Inhibitive Elastomeric Coating 1USP Kit *BMS5-95U Type I Class F1
PPG PR-1432-GP is a corrosion inhibitive, elastomeric coating. It has service temperature range from -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C).
Technical Information
- Code UN 3082 CL9 / 1263 CL3
- Code des marchandises 32141010
- Pays d'origine United States

Data Sheets
Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit PPG PR1432-GP Corrosion Inhibitive Elastomeric Coating 1USP Kit ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit PPG PR1432-GP Corrosion Inhibitive Elastomeric Coating 1USP Kit depuis Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), la fiche technique sera visible et téléchargeable. Veuillez vous connecter afin d’avoir accès aux fiches techniquesInformations produits
PPG PR-1432-GP is a corrosion inhibitive, elastomeric coating. It has service temperature range from -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C), with intermittent excursions up to 275°F (135°C). This material acts as an effective barrier against the common causes of corrosion on aluminum alloys or between dissimilar metals.
PPG PR-1432-GP is a two-part, dichromate cured polysulfide compound. The uncured material is suitable for application by spray or brush. This material is not recommended for use without a topcoating.
Shipping information
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