Electrolube HTCP Heat Transfer Compound Plus 20ml Syringe
Electrolube HTCP provides the ultimate in thermal conductivity together with the advantage of using non-silicone base oil.
Technical Information
- Code UN 3082 CL9
- Code des marchandises 38249996
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom
Data Sheets
Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit Electrolube HTCP Heat Transfer Compound Plus 20ml Syringe ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit Electrolube HTCP Heat Transfer Compound Plus 20ml Syringe depuis Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), la fiche technique sera visible et téléchargeable. Veuillez vous connecter afin d’avoir accès aux fiches techniquesInformations produits
HTCP Non-Silicone Thermal Interface Material is a Plu's version of Electrolube's successful HTC which provides the ultimate in thermal conductivity together with the advantage of using non-silicone base oil.
The exceptional properties obtained from HTCP are due to the novel use of various metal oxide (ceramic) powders. These materials are electrically insulative to ensure that leakage currents can not be formed if the paste should come into contact with other parts of the assembly.
- Excellent non-creep characteristics.
- Wide operating temperature range.
- Excellent thermal conductivity even at high temperatures.
- Easy to handle and economic in use.
- Low in toxicity.
- White colour enables treated parts to be easily identified.
- Low evaporation weight loss.
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