AkzoNobel Aviox Clearcoat UVR High-Gloss Polyurethane Coating
AkzoNobel Aviox Clearcoat UVR, when used with the separately sold components as per the TDS, forms a resilient, high-gloss polyurethane clearcoat designed explicitly for use in exterior decoration schemes.
Data Sheets
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Informations produits
The product is part of the Aviox Advanced Series, which utilizes the latest high-solid technology and sets the standard for minimum process times and reduced process cycle costs. Aviox Clearcoat UVR can be combined with the separately sold SRA9009 to ease spot repair.
- Enhanced durability and UV resistance
- Prolonged wet look appearance
- Reduced dirt retention
- Simple cleaning process
- Resilience against aircraft hydraulic fluids and chemicals
- Versatile application timeframe facilitated by diverse activators
Shipping information
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