Apiezon AP101 Anti-Seize Vacuum Grease 50gm Tube
Apiezon AP101 is an excellent general purpose, hydrocarbon grease, which is intended for a variety of industrial and scientific applications.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 27101999
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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Apiezon AP101 contains PTFE, which confers superior anti-seize properties providing long-lasting lubrication and ensuring smooth operation of stopcocks and taps. Coupled with easy separation of ground or polished glass joints AP101 is an excellent general purpose grease for laboratory use. The value of Apiezon AP101 antiseize properties are not limited to laboratory or glassware use, but are equally effective when used on metal equipment which may be subject to seizure or corrosion.
A small amount of Apiezon AP101 on fastenings which, when exposed to corrosive environments normally jam solid, will be protected thus allowing them to be effortlessly removed. Non silicone Being hydrocarbon based AP101 does not suffer from the problems of creep
or carry over
which is traditionally associated with silicone greases. Additionally AP101 can be used with confidence in paint spraying and metal deposition processes.
- Anti-seize properties
- Critical lubricant
- Silicone free
- Solvent/chemical resistance
- Wide temperature range
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