AeroShell LGF Landing Gear Fluid 5USG Pail *BMS3-32C Type II
AeroShell Landing Gear Fluid (LGF) is a AeroShell Fluid 41 (a mineral hydraulic fluid (MIL-PRF-5606)) to which additional additives have been added to improve the extreme pressure characteristics and the fluid's natural lubricity.
Technical Information
- Code UN 3082 CL9
- Code des marchandises 27101983
- Pays d'origine United States

Data Sheets
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The lubricity agent provides a stable thin film layer to the metal surfaces at mild operating conditions. When severe conditions exist (landing/touchdown), the extreme pressure additive supplies the load carrying needed at the metal-to-metal surfaces to prevent the occurrence of such phenomena as "ladder cracking" and "slip stiction" of the piston component of the landing gear.
The better low temperature properties of AeroShell LGF make it particularly suitable in areas of low temperature operations. AeroShell LGF is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 4 and 41.
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