Molyslip MWF High Performance Metalworking Lubricant
Molyslip MWF High-Performance Metalworking Lubricant is a premium performing lubricant designed for severe metalworking operations such as drilling, reaming and tapping. They are highly concentrated mixtures of lubricity and reactive extreme pressure and anti-wear additives.
Data Sheets
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It is a hardworking product that provides an excellent finish to components, it is able to protect tooling from wear and damage. It is suitable for most drilling, reaming and tapping (spiral point, spiral flute and fluteless) operations on most metals. For maximum flexibility of use and to accommodate individual preference, the products available are: It is advised that compatibility is checked before use as the sulphurised extreme pressure additives may interact with some metals. It provides excellent extreme pressure and anti-wear performance, while also maximising tool life in arduous operations The product is available in liquid, paste and aerosol form.
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