Molyslip MWS Metalworking Spray 400ml Aerosol
Molyslip MWS High Performance is a potent cutting fluid that has a distinctive oil-soluble molybdenum compound and powerful anti-weld additives.
Technical Information
- Code UN 1950 CL2.1
- Code des marchandises 34039900
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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It is a high-performance lubricant designed for severe metal working operations such as drilling, reaming and tapping. It is a highly concentrated mixture of lubricity, reactive extreme pressure, and anti-wear additives. It provides an excellent surface finish to components and protects tooling from wear and damage. It is suitable for most drilling, reaming and tapping (spiral point, spiral flute and fluteless) operations on most metals. The formulation maximises tool life in arduous operations, and the product is conveniently available in liquid, paste and aerosol form.
Shipping information
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