Bonderite L-FG F 462 Forging Lubricant 170Kg Drum
Bonderite L-FG F 462 is a colloidal graphite dispersion in oil specially selected for its high-temperature resistance.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 34031980
- Pays d'origine Netherlands

Data Sheets
Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit Bonderite L-FG F 462 Forging Lubricant 170Kg Drum ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit Bonderite L-FG F 462 Forging Lubricant 170Kg Drum depuis Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), la fiche technique sera visible et téléchargeable. Veuillez vous connecter afin d’avoir accès aux fiches techniquesInformations produits
The product contains specific additives providing a homogeneous and adherent film formation. It has been developed for aluminium forging with working temperatures between 250°C and 480°C and can be used in isothermal and non-isothermal forging.
- Ready-for-use product
- Suitable for most types of parts requiring high metal flow
- Shows good stability in storage
- A mechanical stirring ensures a homogeneous dispersion. No need to preheat the product even at low temperatures
- Clean aspect of parts after forging operation. In case of residues, a standard chemical cleaning will remove them
Shipping information
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