Zip-Chem D-5922 NS Microgel/Synthetic Grease 16oz Aerosol
Zip-Chem D-5922NS is a microgel/synthetic multi purpose grease that is useful Useful for engine accessories, airframe lubrication and general anti-friction bearings which operate at high speeds in high and low temperatures.
Technical Information
- Code UN 1950 CL2.1
- Code des marchandises 32089091
- Pays d'origine United States
Data Sheets
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Informations produits
- The aerosolised form of AeroShell 22 Grease a versatile and multi-purpose microgel that is a thickened, synthetic and hydrocarbon oil
- Superior anti-wear properties, load carrying capacity and water resistance
- Heavily fortified against oxidation
- operating temperature range of -65°C to 204°C
Shipping information
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