Eastman Turbo Oil 2389

Eastman Turbo Oil 2389 is a low-viscosity gas turbine oil. Turbo Oil 2389 is often used in auxiliary power units (APUs) because of the reliability it affords this equipment when starting after long cold soaks at altitude.
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Eastman Turbo Oil 2389 is the only MIL-PRF-7808 Grade 3 qualified oil that is fully approved in all Honeywell and UTC Aerospace Systems APUs. Turbo Oil 2389 is formulated from synthetic base stocks and advanced technology additives to provide the combined thermal and oxidation stability properties of commercial Type II lubricants, with the low temperature fluidity characteristics of a 3 cSt oil. It is the only 3 cSt oil with significant commercial experience based on the same polyol ester technology as contemporary 5 cSt oils, which provides peace of mind if inadvertently mixed with main engine oil.
Eastman Turbo Oil 2389 incorporates a level of technology from Type II (5 cSt) commercial turbine lubricants. It also has load-carrying ability equal to or better than other approved MIL-PRF-7808 Grade 3 oils.
One of the characteristic advantages of Eastman Turbo Oil 2389 is the minimum formation of varnish or sludge deposits. Long periods of severe operation are possible without the danger of scavenge pump screen plugging or the corrosion that often accompanies excessive deposits.
Eastman Turbo Oil 2389 has a high resistance to physical or chemical change resulting from oxidation. This permits long periods of severe operation without significant increase is viscosity or total acidity, the two principal indicators of product oxidation.
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