Britemor 760 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant 25Lt Pail
Britemor 760 Penetrant, the Britemor 700 series is an entirely new range of penetrants designed to meet the modern expectations of environmental and personal safety, as well as offering cost savings on transportation and disposal after use
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 32049000
- Pays d'origine France

Data Sheets
Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit Britemor 760 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant 25Lt Pail ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit Britemor 760 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant 25Lt Pail depuis Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), la fiche technique sera visible et téléchargeable. Veuillez vous connecter afin d’avoir accès aux fiches techniquesInformations produits
Safer and cleaner, the Britemor 700 series represents a step forward in penetrant formulation without sacrificing any of the performance associated with Britemor products. Free from nonylphenol ethoxylates
- Britemor 760 is a stable solution of hydrocarbons, esters and fluorescent dyes
- Contains no added sulphur, halogen or inorganic compounds Is essentially ash free on ignition Remains stable without precipitation or seperation
- Good resistance to heat fade
Britemor 760 is a clear, mobile, yellow-green liquid in daylight and appears brilliant yellow under UVA light of 365 nm peak wavelength (black light)
- Rolls Royce Omat 651 Society of Automotive Engineers
- AMS 2644 Type 1 Method C D Level 3 SAFRAN Group
- IN-5000 CEN ISO EN ISO 3452-2
- General Electric Commercial Engineers
- GE Commercial Engines SPM Class D ASME Section V Article 6
Shipping information
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