Fuchs Renolit 762 High Temperature Jointing Compound 200gm Tube
Fuchs Renolit 762 is designed for the sealing of joints to prevent leakage of air or other gases where operating temperatures in the range of 550°C to 760°C can be experienced.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 32149000
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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Informations produits
Optimum sealing efficiency is attained within the temperature range of 550°C to 760°C but, dependent on the characteristics of the joint faces involved, a satisfactory performance can be achieved over a wider temperature range. For example, the compound is known to be effective from 200°C to 800°C in the case of rigid joint faces of good surface finish, which are free from distortion and differential movement at the operating temperatures.
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