3M Scotch-Seal EC-1252 Tamper Proof Sealant
3M Scotch-Weld Tamper Proof Sealant EC-1252 s a one-part, fast drying, anti-tamper sealer.
Data Sheets
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Scotch-Weld EC-1252 is used in the electronics industry to protect settings and calibrations of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electronic equipment against tampering. Scotch-Weld EC-1252 is also used to seal components between stages of assembly and parts which are restricted to adjustment, alteration, or access by qualified personnel.
Features of 3M EC-1252:
- Commonly used by aircraft industry to indicate sabotage, tampering, alteration or vibration loosening.
- Exposed surfaces of Scotch-Weld EC-1252 will accept ink from an inspector's approval stamp within 20 seconds of application.
- Will not support fungus growth.
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