Cho-Bond 4660 Electrically Conductive Sealant
CHO-BOND 4660 is a silver-plated, copper-filled, one-component conductive polyisobutylene designed for use as a fillet, gap filler and seam sealant on electrical enclosures for EMI shielding or electrical grounding.
Data Sheets
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Its non-hardening characteristic makes it particularly suited for shielding joints and seams which are likely to be disassembled or applications where vibration and thermal shock resilience is required.
The minimum recommended bond line for CHO-BOND 4660 is 0.015 inches (0.18 mm). CHO-BOND 4660 dries to touch in minutes and develops its final material properties in 168 hours. The compound remains permanently flexible and adherent with no tendency to crack or pull away from the substrate. Some surface crusting may be experienced, but CHO-BOND 4660 will remain pliable below the surface.
CHO-BOND 4660 may additionally be used to help seal against gases as the polyisobutylene polymer system has excellent impermeability properties. It has a 0.5-hour working life and its typical applications include access panels, shielded room joints, temporary military shelters, hardware, bulkhead feed through fittings, and building conduits.
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