SikaLastomer 710 Butyl Sealant
SikaLastomer 710 is a pasty, non-sagging, on a butyl paste based sealant which contains solvents.
Data Sheets
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The curing takes place by physical drying. This product can be used for the plastic sealing of joints in many industrial sectors. SikaLastomer 710 is manufactured in accordance with the ISO 9001/14001 quality assurance system and with the responsible care program.
- One component butyl sealant
- Cures without heat
- Easy to apply
- Good adhesive spectrum
- Good ageing resistance
- Plastic product
- Later disassembly possible
- SikaLastomer 710 is especially suitable for plastic sealing with a possibility of future disassembly. It can be used in the car, bus, truck and caravan industry
- SikaLastomer 710 shows good adhesion on almost every technical surface with minimal surface pretreatment
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