PPG PR1448 B-2 Void Filling Compound 6Floz Semkit *BMS5-16G Class D-4
PPG PR1448 Class B is a thixotropic, two-part void filling compound, demonstrating low shrinkage, excellent low temperature flexibility, and excellent adhesion and resistance to fuels, oils, grease and salt water.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 32081090
- Pays d'origine United States

Data Sheets
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PR 1448 is an effective pressure and fuel-resistant compound. It exhibits excellent non-sag characteristics, allowing for vertical filling of gaps and recesses. When the base compound is mixed thoroughly with the accelerator, the material cures at room temperature to a firm, rubbery solid. As the cure does not dependent on air exposure, it can be applied in voids or gaps and with subsequent coating without affecting its cure.
It does not flow or extrude when subjected to 6.5 psi pressure at a temperature of 160°F.
Shipping information
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