Cho-Therm 1641 A/B Silicone Compound (Includes 1086 Primer)
CHO-THERM 1641 compound is a one-component, thermally conductive, electrically insulating (non-acetic acid generating), silicone-based RTV adhesive/sealant/potting compound. The material offers high thermal conductivity, flexibility, excellent high and low-temperature resistance, as well as electrical insulation.
Data Sheets
Téléchargez dès aujourd'hui la fiche technique (TDS) du produit Cho-Therm 1641 A/B Silicone Compound (Includes 1086 Primer) ainsi que la fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) du produit Cho-Therm 1641 A/B Silicone Compound (Includes 1086 Primer) sur Silmid. Une fois que vous vous êtes connecté(e) ou inscrit(e), sélectionnez la taille du produit qui vous intéresse et la fiche technique sera disponible en téléchargement. Please login and select to access DatasheetsInformations produits
Components of circuits encapsulated in cured CHO-THERM 1641 compound are accessible by cutting away the compound. After repair, the components can be re-encapsulated with no loss in performance. CHO-THERM 1641 compound will stick, but not permanently bond to most non-silicone surfaces. A permanent bond can be made, if desired, by using Chomerics' CHO-BOND 1086 primer. Components potted in CHO-THERM 1641 compound have excellent thermal and mechanical shock resistance, thermal diffusivity and moisture resistance.
CHO-THERM 1641 compound may also be used as a cure-in-place thermal grease. The excess material will cure and thereby be resistant to vapour degreasing, and it is possible to attain very low thermal impedance. The cured CHO-THERM 1641 compound will not separate or migrate on the heat sink or circuit board.
The CHOTHERM 1641 compound will stick to non-silicone materials. If easy removal is needed, the package and heat sink should be brush painted with a mould release before application. Adhesion to non-silicone surfaces may be improved by using Chomerics CHOBOND 1086 primer.
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