Aero-Sense TKS De-Icing Fluid
Aero-Sense TKS De-icing Fluid works as a freezing point depressant and acts as a de-icing and anti-icing agent.
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It is intended to prevent or facilitate resistance to in-flight icing on aircraft equipped with TKS de-icing systems.
Aero-Sense TKS De-icing Fluid is filtered down to 0.5 micron to prevent debris blocking the laser-drilled titanium leading edges. As the TKS system is used, the fluid flows over the protected surfaces and keeps the aircraft ice-free. At the same time it flushes out any accumulation of debris on the panels.
TKS De-icing Fluid is a glycol based product. Glycol doesn't harm the (un)painted, metallic and plastic surfaces of the aircraft and will not cause any performance loss; only significant ice protection capabilities are added. It can also be used for ground de-icing.
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