3M 2517 Flatback Masking Tape 24mm x 55Mt Roll
3M 2517 Flatback Tape is a good, general purpose tape ideal for a range of web processing and splicing applications where adhesion in high temperature bake cycles is necessary.
Technical Information
- Code des marchandises 48114120
- Pays d'origine United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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Informations produits
This durable tape features a dependable kraft paper backing capable of resisting high temperatures as well as moisture, and can be torn by hand for easy application.
3M 2517 Flatback Tape was designed specifically to be a strong tape capable of meeting the everyday demands of the most web processing and splicing applications. This smooth flatback tape features an unbleached kraft paper backing that combines strength and heat resistance with consistent unwind and hand-tearability for easy handling in roll starting and roll closure.
- Roll starting
- Roll closure
- High and low temperature splicing
- General purpose packaging
- Web processing
Shipping information
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