How long does it take to get a new SDS?
Safety Data Sheets are regularly updated by manufacturers and Silmid endeavours to have the latest version available online.
How do I request a copy SDS?
Register and Login to the website, search for the product you are interested in and click the View Datasheets button to view the latest version of the SDS and TDS.
Can I have the SDS in a different language?
We currently provide SDS in English as standard, we do provide additional languages for countries we supply to. Our datasheet library includes data sheets in:
- Swedish
- Danish
- Norwegian
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Italian
If you need a new SDS for any other reason please use the support form on the website. Our compliance team can only book tickets to review datasheet requests if logged through the support form. If the support form is not working for any reason you can email your request to info at silmid dot com and our team will respond as quickly as possible.