Ordering online at Silmid.com is quick and easy. Once registered users can access order history, data sheets, back order reports and more.
Existing Silmid customers who have ordered from us before will have a Account Number which is printed on Delivery Notes and Invoices. You can register online and link to this account. Note: If you are new to Silmid then you will need to register to place an order.
If you are registered against the correct company account then you will be able to see any agreed pricing online.
Step 1: Login to your account or register online
Step 2: Search for the PRODUCT you require and Add To Basket
Step 3: Go to the Basket by clicking on the icon and the View Basket
Step 4: Check the items in the basket are correct and that the quantity matches your requirements. you can update or remove the product in the basket if required.
Step 5: Click Secure Checkout, Select the Delivery Address you want to ship to, Select the Delivery Method you want to use
Step 6: Add a Reference for your order, this is required and then check the boxes
Step 7: Check the addresses and other order details and select your preferred payment option
Step 8: You will now see your Order Confirmation and an Order Acknowledgement Email will be sent to you.
Your web order confirmation is your Order Acknowledgement and shows the Silmid Order Reference for your order.