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MIL-PRF-5606 is a military specification for hydraulic fluid. It outlines the requirements for hydraulic fluid used in aircraft systems, particularly in military aircraft. MIL-PRF-5606 stands for MIL - military, PRF- performance requirements, 5606 - unique identification number for the spec. This spec is identified by NATO code H-515. Fluids which conform to this spec operate within a temperature range of -54 degrees to 135 degrees celsius.

MIL-PRF-5606 Product List

These products either meet or are approved to the MIL-PRF-5606 specification. Please consult the product page and product description for the specific grade/size you intend to purchase to ensure it will be supplied with MIL-PRF-5606 paperwork.

On Order - 4 available in 88 days
£1707.59 excl VAT
In Stock - 425 Available
£49.37 excl VAT
In Stock - 21 Available
£179.36 excl VAT
On Order - 288 available in 88 days
£10.33 excl VAT
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In Stock - 23 Available
£78.46 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 47 business days
£2964.70 excl VAT
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£350.38 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 40 business days
£21.56 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 61 business days
£2715.17 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 61 business days
No Stock - Standard lead time 61 business days
£18.78 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 47 business days
£371.51 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 26 business days
£339.09 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 96 business days
£2867.83 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 33 business days
£3670.82 excl VAT
No Stock - Standard lead time 33 business days
£336.68 excl VAT


Composition: MIL-PRF-5606 specifies the composition of the hydraulic fluid, including the types and amounts of additives, lubricants, and other components. The fluid is typically petroleum-based and contains additives to enhance its lubricating and anti-corrosive properties.

Performance Requirements:
The specification sets forth various performance requirements that the hydraulic fluid must meet. This includes characteristics such as viscosity, flash point, pour point, corrosion resistance, and compatibility with materials commonly found in aircraft hydraulic systems.

Uses: The hydraulic fluid described in this specification is designed for application in automatic pilots, shock absorbers, brakes, flap-control mechanisms, missile hydraulic servo-controlled systems, and other hydraulic systems utilising synthetic sealing materials.

Interchangeability & Hydraulic Fluid Equivalents: This fluid demonstrates full compatibility with MIL-PRF-6083, MIL-PRF-46170, MIL-PRF-87257, and MIL-PRF-83282 hydraulic fluids. It can potentially serve as a substitute for these fluids in certain applications. The choice of which fluid to utilise depends on the specific demands of the operational system.


MIL-PRF-5606J - The most recent version of the spec, established in 2018.

MIL-PRF-5606H - Previous version of the spec. First established in 2002 with 3 further amendments in 2003, 2005 and 2006.

MIL-H-5606A - Established in 1957, an early version of the spec. With MIL = Military, H = Hydraulic Oil, 5606 = Unique Identification Number, A = Version.

MIL-PRF-5606 product tin