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What We Repack

Our two main categories of repacking are fluid repacking and grease repacking. We primarily repurpose products in large containers, such as 205l drums, into a fit of your choice according to your needs, such as 450ml trigger sprays, 1l bottles, 5l cans to 20l drums. Greases can even be repacked into a 30g syringe. Our warehouse operatives are specifically trained to perform this to the highest standards in our industry, with the majority of operations being manual. We see this most often with lubricating oils, specialty fluids and silicone fluids, though you should raise an enquiry with our team should you require something else.

We also offer the repacking of greases into a wide range of containers, offering you greater flexibility for your specific needs, regardless of the industry that you work in. Our military and defence customers tend to require specific receptacles in which they receive their products, for example. We are notably the only authorised repacker of AeroShell Greases, one of the most trusted and extensive in the industry. Their grease range includes advanced multipurpose products and specialist greases with high-load carrying, extreme temperature and corrosion inhibition properties.

grease ready for repacking
grease being repacked


Filling a drum


Repacking close up


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