3M Scotch-Weld AF 163-2K Structural Adhesive Film 0.085Wt 36in x 10Yd Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C)
3M Scotch-Weld Structural Adhesive Film AF163-2 belongs to a group of thermosetting modified epoxy structural adhesives. It comes in the form of a film and is offered in different weights, with or without supporting carriers. This epoxy-based film adhesive is designed for bonding composite and metal materials, especially on aircraft and in other demanding applications. AF 163-2 is known for its strength, durability and resistance to environmental factors.
Technical Information
- UN Number 3077 CL9
- Commodity Code 35069190
- Country of Origin United States
Data Sheets
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Product Information
The film is tailored for solid panel and honeycomb sandwich constructions, exhibiting strong bonding capabilities in temperatures ranging from -55°C (67°F) to 121°C (250°F). It offers high fracture toughness, peel strength, and excellent moisture resistance, both pre and post-curing. Moreover, it facilitates a rapid cure at 225°F (90 minutes) and supports low-pressure bonding and vacuum cure processes.
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